It may explode and kill you! Ive taken a wrong turn and have reached the boundary of the adjacent military target area (the original access to the memorial). As we have seen, many strange stories are attributed to the Memorial and it is almost a right of passage for young men and women to go there at night although these days the road is locked off and access is difficult. On board were 6 government officials and 4 crew members who all perished in the crash.It is alleged that the crash site is one of Canberra's most haunted sites so of course I had to go and check it out.Airmen on fire have been sighted.Ghostly figures have been also been seen darting across the pathways, disembodied footsteps and even the sound of a phantom plane crash have all been witnessed.What I wasn't prepared for was the epic hike to get to it.. so I sucked it up and took my time.Was it sabotage?Or was it an accident?Who knows.You can see some light anomolies captured after the 16 minute mark, after the spirit box session. The biggest one being, who was flying the plane? Canberrans, however, might not consider the number seven so lucky given their city is home to seven haunted sites. The weather was sunny and clear, and people had remarked earlier that morning that it was a perfect day for flying. A Narrabundah reader recently attempted his own nocturnal visit, and like me, left more than a little unnerved. A new book Meditations in Orange will be available through Pendragon Publishing & Design later this year. The tragedy assumed the proportions of a national disaster in view of the loss of the chief administrators of Australia`s war effort. On the morning of August 13, 1940, a Lockheed Hudson, registration number A16-97 was on the way to Canberra from Melbourne. He was appointed Minister for Air at the onset of World War II, and regained the Civil Aviation portfolio in 1940. Where to eat, what to drink in the Canberra region. The outcome of the inquest was that Hitchcock, who had over 100 hours of flying experience had fatally stalled the plane in perfect flying conditions. Private Secretary to the Minister for Air. Individually, and as a group, these people are significant figures in . Can all these people be wrong? Unlike most other places, this location has more than one legend attached to it. Three Commonwealth Ministers and the Chief of the General Staff were travelling from Melbourne to attend a Cabinet meeting. Stories of whispering voices and running footsteps, strange lights that fly towards the memorial, photos containing numerous orbs, ghostly sightings of men in old style overalls, screaming voices and even apparitions that appear to follow tour groups, yet quickly disappear when addressed or noticed. Should new apartment blocks have car spaces for each occupant? Its one of those situations where if the plane had crashed now, its highly likely all of these questions would have been answered. All rights reserved. Given this, we still must wonder about the ten men killed on the fateful day in August. This memorial cairn has been erected to honour the memory of, Brigadier the Honourable Geoffrey Austin Street, M. C., E. D. There were also four Royal Australian Air Force crew on board the Hudson Bomber. [25] This conclusion contradicted initial newspaper reports that the victims had been killed by the post-crash fire. The cairn commemorates ten people, including three Commonwealth Ministers and the Chief of the General Staff, who were killed in 1940 when their Royal Australian Air Force Lockheed Hudson crashed while circling prior to landing at Fairbairn Airport. Sign-up now for trusted local news that will never be behind a paywall. As a general election was already due by the end of the year, it was felt prudent to call it for September, to avoid the necessity of also holding three by-elections for such a short term. He gained the Repatriation portfolio in 1940. Could it be possible that the reports of supernatural and odd events on Mount Ainslie are a direct result of these tragic deaths so many years ago? Is it a ghost? The dedication occurred on the twentieth anniversary of the crash. I stumble on a pine cone. In the decades since, the crash. Brigadier Geoffrey Street, Minister for the Army and Repatriation. These ten people included three cabinet ministers, Australias top Army general, a lieutenant colonel, a private secretary for the air minister and four R.A.A.F crew members. The area surrounding the memorial is quiet and even in the day one gets the feeling of being watched. He was serving as Army Liaison Officer on the General Staff at the time of his death. Witnesses reported seeing a dark car near Kerens car on the night in question and said a woman fitting Kerens description was walking towards the car. No one saw what it was, but there was a 20 cent sized dent left on the bonnet, says Mr Evans who high tailed it out of the forest as fast as he could. Why are holidays in Australia so expensive right now? I'd like to see the economic modelling thats been done. Australias 16th Prime Minister governed the country from Room 214 during the 1940s and unexpectedly died from a heart attack in this top floor room. Music, festivals, charity events - everything thats happening in the Canberra region. [12], The Perth Daily News reported: "The plane was seen by watchers at the Canberra Aerodrome and the Air Force station to circle the drome, and then rise and head south. There are HEAPS of live music events, large View. And yet, probably the most interesting, and disturbing is the story of Keren Rowland, a 20 year old girl who was murdered in 1971 and whose decomposing body was later found close to the memorial itself. (I recomend playing paintball there, its great). Staff and visitor claim, to this day, that Chifleys ghost appears as the grey suited man pointing towards Old Parliament House. The Air Disaster Memorial on Mount Ainslie is another place reputed to be haunted.. Canberra real estate agent Phil Kouvelis celebrates 50 years in the industry, Tough new laws level the playing field for Canberra franchisees, Canberra Business Chamber CEO Graham Catt to bow out after two 'remarkable' years, Crazy prices come down to earth but housing market fall is slowing, Get ready to move into this bright and airy home, Strathnairn Charity House: MBA ACT construction industry workers to take on ACT Meteors, For Alex Bunton, the WNBL Domestic Violence Awareness round is personal, Royal Canberra Show wraps up as biggest ever, thanks to robots and horse actors, A film crew wants actors for local Stephen King adaptation and they're looking at you, First Looks: Cypher Brewing Co is set to bring craft brewing to Gungahlin, Always happy hour at Round Pizza, Dickson, Hope springs eternal among Goulburns pioneer graves, $1 million grant round opens for local charities. The monolith was dedicated on 13 August 1960 in the presence of the Prime Minister, the Hon. My friend told me about 10 years ago, him and his mates went up there and saw a young girl near the gate. Wikipedia entry, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), National Archives of Australia fact sheet 142, ABC News 75th anniversary of the disaster. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. The road deteriorates into a series of muddy puddles and within a few paces, the traffic noise of Fairbairn Avenue gives way to silence. It would have been very easy to solve the mystery of whether or not Minister Fairbairn had been flying. Updated 2/10/2020 - Both planes crashed in North Parka San Diego neighborhood. On 9 August, the station administrative officer at RAAF Laverton received instructions to prepare a flight to Canberra on 13 August, to be reserved for James Fairbairn, the air and civil aviation minister. Then I realise it must be a delayed flight coming in to land (thankfully) safely at Canberra Airport. [10] Prime Minister Robert Menzies' assistant private secretary Peter Looker had reserved two seats on the flight, but Menzies also preferred to take the train. I was looking for the original topics and then exited the editor but it still posted :S. Must have been one of the ghosts you were asking about. A. F. Mr. Richard Edwin Elford Rolling Hills Asylum is one of the creepiest places in New York. Affixed to the rock is a plaque dedicated to the dead. "Yesterdays" columnist NICHOLE OVERALL looks at the mystery surrounding the crash. This columns recent expose on the Air Disaster Memorial (ADM) has promoted a large amount of correspondence, particularly regarding on the sites spooky nature. He determined that in each case the "immediate cause of death" was a fractured skull. Due to an old injury, Fairbairns right arm was noticeably shorter than his left. The next weekend they took new friends up there to show them what they had seen there again, the little girl was, standing by the gate. When Menzies attended a memorial gathering at the site on 12 August 1960, 20 years after the crash, he was seen to be still very emotional in recalling the day. Some people get little orbs of light in their photos here which paranormal aficionados suggest is evidence of ghostly energy. Most are convinced its the ghost of 16-year-old Florrie Blundell who died in 1892 from terrible burns. The Air Disaster Memorial has a dark history with vehicles, Ten key moments from 95 years of the Canberra Airport. History has shown us that ghosts and the supernatural seem to be commonplace and that a large percentage of people in the western world, indeed from all races and religions, not only believe in ghosts but have also experienced something that they believe is of a supernatural origin. I could see the flames," recalls Mr Nott, a retired doctor. [a] However, no evidence of that nature was brought before the inquest. [5] A daily inspection was completed on the morning of the flight and signed off by the pilot Bob Hitchcock. It was not clear where the sound was coming from; if we were quiet and tried to listen the noises would stop. During the 1970s some residents complained regularly that freshly made beds would be found rumpled and the room strewn with pillows. At the election, Fairbairn's seat of Flinders and Street's seat of Corangamite were retained by the UAP, but Gullett's seat of Henty was lost to an independent, Arthur Coles, who was one of the two independents who voted to bring down the government in 1941 (then headed by the Country Party leader Arthur Fadden), allowing John Curtin of the Australian Labor Party to become Prime Minister. [7] It had been called partially in response to a telegram from Winston Churchill to Menzies outlining his views on the prospect of war with Japan. Despite not only landing the plane just a short time earlier and also landing a Hudson in very similar conditions in Canberra previously. Who while serving their country lost their lives on this spot in an aircraft accident on 13th August 1940. On the evening of February 26, 1971, a 20-year-old woman named Keren Rowland went missing. Youd think itd be a relief, but instead Im overcome with a wave of sadness for the people who tragically lost their lives at this spot on August 13, 1940. If you stop your car within a certain distance from the guard, your car will stall. And yet, there are still cases that defy explanation.. A night at the Kurrajong may result in a terrific sleep or, if the late Ben Chifley is up to his usual antics, you may not sleep at all. I regained the car and returned to my home - but the memory of that sinister place lingers with me still.. It's the 80th anniversary of Canberra's worst air disaster. Who she is, or was no-one seems to know although she is in no way attached to disaster of the crashed Hudson bomber. After impact, both planes began to fall toward earth. I swing around, pine cone at the ready, to see the back end of a sick-looking fox as it scurries under the wreck of an abandoned car. It changed him from sceptic to true believer in an instant. [Jeff Brownrigg] Air Disaster Memorial Pialligo Avenue Majura ACT 2609 Its an interesting place, quite eerie, but this is expected given its remote location, the history of the place, and the stories that circulate about it. In 1953, the RAAF base at Canberra was renamed Fairbairn Airbase in Fairbairn's honour. View, Mookie Moo we will have flying trains by then View, Lets hope for a progressive Gov in NSW in March that would see the political angle removed with View, Justin Watson yes perhaps. [24], Based on Mackellar's evidence, Goodwin concluded "I am of the opinion that the men were killed before the plane was burnt". Interestingly enough, people have reported seeing a young woman standing near the edge of the clearing at the Canberra Disaster Memorial. Lieutenant Colonel Francis Thornthwaite, Staff Officer to General White. There are also tales of people claiming they hear the noise of a phantom plane crashing. A kangaroo or two will cross your path, or a flock of choughs; their white wing-fans flashing against their black bodies. The Cabinet was permanently weakened by their loss, and that was a factor undermining Menzies's position in the following months. The Mint A residual piece of energy that manifests itself as a ghostly nurse? Braidwoods Mona Farm is hosting a Sunday roast. As if the strange lights werent creepy enough, there are reports of a ghostly figure dashing across the road, sometimes shrouded in flames. The weather was sunny and clear, and people had remarked earlier that morning that it was a perfect day for flying. Now surrounded by the Fairbairn Pine Plantation, the area has become known for The Burning Airman urban legend. The silence is sometimes punctured by the distant sound of gunfire from the Defence firing range or the passage of helicopters and aeroplanes flying over from the nearby airport. A coronial inquest was conducted by John Goodwin, the chairman of the Australian Capital Territory Advisory Council and the territory's acting coroner. [29] The Air Board separately constituted a three-person Service Court of Inquiry led by Wing Commander Leon Lachal and assisted by Squadron Leader Frederick Stevens and Pilot Officer George Pape. Courtesy National Archives of Australia As we commemorate Armistice Day we remember the WWII service and sacrifice of Strathfield Pilot Officer Richard Frederick Wiesener who died in 1940, aged 29. View, Emily Jayne I was about to tag you ! When I first began researching these legends, I figured that the location probably wasnt haunted, but the more information I uncovered, the more I started to question if maybe it was haunted after all. [1] The aircraft is believed to have stalled on its landing approach, when it was too low to recover. The Air Disaster Memorial is not on Mount Ainslie. It gives an unnerving twang as my boot clips the cold steel chain. After the war, a memorial cairn was erected at the site. 2 Squadron. On the 13th August 1940, a Lockheed Hudson II Bomber crashed at Mount Ainslie in the Australian Capital Territory just outside of Queanbeyan in New South Wales. The bodies were removed from the scene and taken directly to the morgue for identification and autopsy. Later on when they had reached the top of the hill they saw her again sitting on the ground crying. The path goes up another small hill, a turn to the right, then onward. Warning: Even if the gate is unlocked, park at the gate and walk in to avoid your vehicle accidentally being locked in. [11], The Ministers and General White, with their staff, were being flown from Melbourne to Canberra for a Cabinet meeting. The Air Disaster Memorial has a dark history with vehicles, Ten key moments from 95 years of the Canberra Airport. Should new apartment blocks have car spaces for each occupant? The memorial is a large granite monolith with a bronze inscription with a dedication to the . Strangely, I am sure that I heard womens voices chattering and laughing in the distance as I stood in front of the memorial on a cold July night. Expanded menu. Air Cdre Charles Clarke crash memorial.jpg 1,360 1,020; 366 KB B-HRX accident monument.JPG 2,048 1,536; 520 KB B24 Bomber crash memorial - - 159929.jpg 640 480; 95 KB So how then exactly did the original poster have the car stalling and rolling forward experience? The Air Disaster Memorial sits in the Fairbairn pine plantation on the eastern edge of Canberra. As we have seen, ten people died in a horrific fiery crash on the very site. Like most legends, this legend has various versions, but the most common one is: If you stop your car on the cattle guard, a nurse who was on the scene at the time of the crash helping the wounded will run towards your car and try to get in. Youre correct. Soon stories Ive heard begin to race through my head like the teenager who left the forest screaming claiming she was being followed by images of an airman on fire and the young man who just a month ago confided in me that he had seen a ghost-like figure dart across the road in front of him. Staff Officer to Gen. White, Mr. Richard Edwin Elford Newspaper editorials across the country recognised this. A journalist until his enlistment in 1916, Gullett became Australia's official war correspondent for the AIF in Palestine in 1918. Two of the ministers were later followed into federal politics by their sons, Jo Gullett and Tony Street. Australian War Memorial The people, places, pets and passions that give our city life. Up one last hill and I finally reach the memorial. Tim the Yowie Man has a key to the ADM and you go there on his Weird Canberra tour. You may even see a kookaburra or two. The entire time you are surrounded by pines; their branches rattling in the wind. Ooooh, spooky! A March 01, 2023 | Country Getaways, Food & Drink, Dining, Travel, Entertainment, Music. Photographs supplied by Jason Hitchcock / Henry Moulds, Monument details supplied by Monument Australia -, Monument Australia 2010 - 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Designed by, Pialligo Avenue, Fairbairn Pine Plantation, Majura, 2609. There are HEAPS of live music events, large View. Its said she means no harm so the only thing thats likely to scare you off is the nighttime security guard. Although Menzies was not in fact close to Fairbairn personally or politically, Street and Gullett were among his closest supporters, and Gullett was a trusted senior adviser. A unique, three hour experience visiting sites of crimes, hauntings and murder in Australia's national capital. Behind, is the older memorial, erected on the site of the crash in 1960; a single monolith of stone with a metal plaque. Wilson used a process of elimination based on the victims' uniforms and positions within the plane. Stowarzyszenie Metalowych Serc w Przemylu. Each of them had a place not only in the Cabinet but in my heart". The coroners report was exactly the same for all men, only the names were changed. When you first arrive at the base of the hill near the Canberra Speedway and the Paintball sports ground it feels like you cannot possibly be in the right place. Another story regarding the Air Disaster Memorial is even less believable in that a young girl was once found dead under a 500 kilogram cattle grid although the ground around the grid had not been disturbed. Is it too soon to get excited about the 2023 Brumbies? Collaboratively and competitively delivered across the nation. The aircraft crashed into a hill with great force, killing all occupants instantly, then burning fiercely. Sporting news from the ACT and Capital region. Sarah Collins you will have to make a special trip to the north side so we can go!!! Subscribe to receive the latest local voices straight to your inbox. Its not clear if the reports of the spectral burning airman happened before the memorial was erected. Theres the teenager who left the surrounding forest screaming that she was being followed by an airman on fire and many folk have heard dull explosions and the noise of a crashing plane. Live it up, Lakeside.New spaces. War historian and MHR for Henty The stories behind the people and places that make Canberra what it is. The attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000 others and . Racawicka 2, 37-700 Przemyl, Polska - email: - KRS 0000240966 There has been ongoing debate over the years as to the cause of the crash and even some conjecture as to who was flying at the time it crashed. The loss of so many men vital to war administration in Australia at the time was a devastating blow. ALSO. the Air Disaster Memorial is located in the Fairbairn Pine Plantation part of the greater Mount Ainslie. National Film and Sound Archives Horror plane crash that destroyed a government The accident site of the crash. Had they been thrown there on impact, or had they tried to make it off the plane and been overcome by smoke and fire? The Canberra Times was representative : "These losses to Australia come at an hour when least of all we can spare theservices of those who can lead and direct us through hours unparralled in their significance for the future welfare of this people. I was sure Id charged the camera fully before leaving home. The site is hemmed in by the pine plantation and some of the native eucalyptus trees that still survive from the time of the accident. Apart from allegedly making your car stall, she doesnt really seem to do much else at all. AIR DISASTER MEMORIAL The haunting: On August 13, 1940, a Lockheed Hudson bomber plummeted into this hill, burst into flames, sadly killing all 10 people on board. [20], Being an RAAF flight, responsibility for the crash lay with the Department of Air rather than the Department of Civil Aviation and its Air Accident Investigation Committee. This, we still must wonder about the ten men killed on the morning of August,. 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