Now in a village, CUs of Polish children - looking at camera, digging in the dirt, and eating dumplings. Ports in the 1840s Ira A. Glazier. Man conducts an orchestra. 01:04:57 CU of a wall riddled with bullet holes. HAS, Polish army parading through the streets of Warsaw, the cannons are drawn by horses, tanks roll by, men sweeping debris, motorcycle troops: this is a sign/prelude to war. Turnip and potato planting and picking in the fields of Zakopane. Crowd getting on ferry. Workers steer the barges along the waterway. Frame left there is a hose attached to the wall. EXT, building. Signs for gasoline - "Gro Essen" and "Flug Essen." They are all in Polish, they are propaganda posters featuring swastikas and soldiers. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Port: MS of part of the ship the "US Army Transport General William M. Black," passengers wave from the deck of the ship to the camera, a banner on the lower deck of the ship reads: "America Welcomes Its New Citizens," camera pans to upper deck of ship where a banner reads: "Ship to Freedom." CU, book of fashion. 8:07 Cover of Architectural Forum Magazine of Building. Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. MS main marketplace. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.**. CU statue. German planes, triumphant in the skies, wreaked destruction on the city with aerial and incendiary bombs, while heavy artillery guns kept up an incessant bombardment. Officers push back some of the crowds-the lines are extremely long. INTs, Julien Bryan with Jozefa Drzewowska (age 72), photographed clasping her hands in prayer in 1939 and used on the cover of "Siege" (Photo Archives W/S 47403). Industry and machinery. HAS, military parade. Because of the nature of the work involved on the vessel, OSHA believed it had the authority to enforce its regulations aboard the barge. All are in overcoats, carrying luggage, and they have name tags/ ID tags on their clothing. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. Julien Bryan with Apolonia and village children distributing contents of a CARE package. Footage of Polish Cavalry soldiers. More stock shots of an unidentified bridge exploding, a building collapsing in flames, etc. VS of Wawel Castle and architectural details; a man and women atop a vantage point on the castle looking down at the river below, more barges; VS of buildings viewed from the river, very picturesque. Eleanor Roosevelt beside a car shaking hands. EXT, MLS, large estate in the Polish countryside. Bryan with translator shows "Siege" photographs from 1939 to more Poles. 4. "Falstria" ship, truck with bundles passing in FG. The ship was converted for its new role at a cost of $4.5 million. Coach instructs swim team how to dive properly. EXT, daylight scenes. EXT, MS, streetcar rounding a corner in Warsaw. Man holding a cane enters and talks to the attendant. End scenes of Gdynia, begin brief sequence of street scenes of Gdansk, also in the northwestern corner of Poland. More shots, families getting off trains. People disembark the train in what seems to be a deserted field. Brief shot of two women looking at a medal in a case. 01:20:04 More scenes of the city burning. 01:07:22 Two official men stand at a microphone next to the train and read from papers, a crowd listens. CU They bow their heads in prayer. CUs hay. Munich? A young woman lying on the grass reading. A modern country: pedestrians reading newspapers, posters advertising arts and culture, vendors, trams, tall buildings, man with balloons and schoolchildren, storefronts. MLS, camera pans down the refinery smokestack to reveal the entire refinery in the valley, full pan of the valley, and then back into the mine, miners hacking away at the rocks with pick axes. Images are slightly underexposed due to the fact that filming was done in low light in an underground mine. Medical journals. The buildings surrounding this look basically in tact. Some look directly at the camera, several avoid it. Surgeon Dr. Smith RN. Women milk a cow on the side of the street. CU, Singer sewing machine. . Katowice, Poland, 1936. Workers leave mill through gates. EXT, men digging up a road. Animation ends. Women, children, families. Man on ladder takes down a sign from the side of a building. SEQ: Women in fashionable dresses walk down stairs and model for a small group of people. There is a very abrupt cut at the end of this scene. Pan of more mothers and infants. VS, at various angles. VS: young men learn to play basketball. Scene with the workers collecting their bicycles at the end of the day. 01:01:20:24 1946, Warsaw, Poland, MCU of a young boy making the sign of the cross at a cemetery. Farm scenes. Re: When did Leroy Dice Gainey enter the US? Truckloads of workers also exit the factory- they are all seated in open military style supply trucks.VS, EXTs the factory in Linz, smoke stacks, etc. [Be Brief!]. Later records may also name traveling companions and relatives "back home" or in the United States. MCU of the beefcake singing in unison. He is removing this clock as a trophy. A woman pours tea. **, Animated maps of Poland showing the changes in the political borders of Poland from 1795 when the land area was divided between German, Russian and Austrian interests to the 1914 borders in which the empires of Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary engulfed Poland entirely from a political standpoint, despite the fact that a distinct Polish culture still existed. MCU, refugees in smaller groups, talking to each other as they wait for entrance to the building. CU of one of their passports from Yugoslavia. EXT crowd lines the street. Others seated, write in diaries, then march on. People praying on their knees in the dirt outside of the wood frame church, the church has been damaged. MS, castle of Polish kings (Wawel) in Krakow, closer view of tourists. Following shakedown out of San Diego, General M. B. Stewart sailed from San Francisco 2 April 1945 with more than 3,000 troops for Pearl Harbor. Boys play basketball. CU of the fabric of the peasant skirts. 9. Construction on buildings. Castle in mountains. EXT, LS of unidentified factory, quickly cuts to an INT scene in an orthodox church whre people receive communion, exact location and date, as well as the reason for the service are unknown; images of Russian iconography. Pan down to more of the building's facade, as well as the street lamps and street corner below. Scenes in Warsaw as General Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshal of Poland. MS, EXT, street scenes, busy street in Warsaw. MS, a woman boarding a bus at a bus stop in Warsaw. If you have already searched the Partner Sites, you have searched these collections. CUs of passengers in the train cars, LS of a conductor at the edge of the train platform monitoring the loading and unloading of passengers. CU of a man blowing a warning whistle, cut to a large statue of a mermaid wielding a shield and a sword, an unidentified bridge and the Vistula River are visible in the BG. 01:17:26 Children gardening, model town. Man laughs at what he is reading in the crowded reading room. EXT, market square, city unknown. UGD131/1/40/1 Passenger list of City of Athens sailing from Liverpool 1904 to Calcutta, Colombo on November 3rd. Two school boys in their uniforms pass by and pretend to be frightened. A man reading. Cut to soldiers loading cannons that look more like WWI artillery rather than WWII. California, San Diego, Airplane Passenger and Crew Lists, 1929-1954, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953, California, index to San Francisco passenger lists, 1893-1934, California, San Francisco Crew Manifests, 1896-1921, California, customs passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco, 1903-1918, California, San Francisco, Immigration Office Special Inquiry Records, 1910-1941, United States, California, Certificates Surrendered at San Francisco from Aliens Previously at Honolulu, Hawaii, 1912-1946, California, List of United States Citizens Arriving at San Francisco, 1930-1949, California, San Francisco Airplane Arrival Card Index, 1936-1949, California, San Francisco Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving, 1954-1957, United States, Border Crossings from Canada to United States, 1894-1954, United States Border Crossings from Canada to United States, 1895-1960, Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1960, Detroit Border Crossings and Passenger and Crew Lists, 1905-1963, Border Crossings: From U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935, Bonded Passengers to America (9 vols. Item 7 - General Stewart arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 8 - General Haan arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 9 - General Greely arrived Fremantle - passenger list; Item 10 - Skaugum (II) arrived Fremantle - passenger list; Item 11 - Amarapoora arrived Newcastle - passenger list; Item 12 - Brazil arrived Sydney - passenger list 01:08:19:18 The inhabitants of the maternity ward are now lining corridors, several nurses, mothers and their newborn babies are seated on the tile floors of the hospital corridors. Crowd at Nazi party rally in stadium. A man with a WWI military medal in MCU (part of the same family) more shots of this family- they have everything loaded on a bicycle. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). VS of baby carriages and families in the park. How To Find Shipping and Immigration Records MS, kiosk and fruit stand proprietor arranging her wares. This scene cuts out before we enter the cemetery. Opening the book BEYOND TRAGEDY by Reinhold Niebuhr. Woman selling newspapers on the street. A man unloads huge sacks off a truck. The Union-Castle mailships ran from Britain to South Africa and took businessmen, travellers, immigrants, cargo in peace and war and, of course, the mail. Quick shots of passengers boarding the trains: men, women, and some teenage boys, all are well dressed, some carry parcels, in one shot a conductor is visible in the background and two adolescent boys board the train in the foreground. Men leaning against railing over river. Driving on Autobahn. Folk dancing scenes are shot at a faster speed than usual, and therefore the image is slowed down considerably. 01:15:05:26 MS of four orthodox Jews walking down the street in Krakow, they look to the camera, and move on. Construction, Nazi flags in BG. Lumber yard. By law, "the Clerk of the House of Representatives" is supposed to "obtain at the close of each Congress all the noncurrent records of the Congress and of each congressional committee and transfer them to the National Archives and Records Administration for preservation, subject to the orders of the House of Representatives " 44 USC 2118. VS: Berlin, Germany: public telephone booth, ornate facade of building in BG. City by the beach seen from distance. MCU, passengers boarding a train. VS, Warsaw street scenes, an occasional peasant is visible in the crowd, but for the most part they are all well-dressed city folk. Scenic views of the river. CUs, boots. Pan up the building toward clock tower. EXT, VS night time scenes of the Jewish quarter of Warsaw on fire. Back to the sky cab and the pretty mountain scenery. To see the passenger list, use the Book and Page above, to find the correct microfiche in Assisted Immigrants from UK, 1839-1871, Compartment 21, Call no. Poles gather in front of town ruins, VAR CUs, people in distress. Crane comes down from the deck of a ship. The owners, however, insisted that because the vessel was licensed with the Coast Guard and the work performed was done by crew members, that the Coast Guard, and not OSHA, had authority over the vessel's operations. During the early stages of the blitzkrieg, civilians were commandeered to dig ditches, set tank traps and shore up fortifications. More LSs of Nazi elite, including Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and others standing in middle of Nuremberg's square. Polish cavalry on maneuvers in an open field. Fires, church destruction, priests, relics, etc. Marching band and soldiers parade out of tent camp where the 20,000 men camp while they march at Nuremberg, preparing food for military in tent camp, soldiers receive portions of beef in canteen. visitor! TTY: 202.488.0406. INTs, nursery school, cute toddlers at play. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History Other Events on 11 April 1669 - Launch of french Fort 68, later 76 guns (designed and built by Jean Guichard, launched 11 April 1669 at Rochefort) - renamed Foudroyant in June 1671, broken up 1690 1693 - Launch of HMS Winchester. 01:20:44 A woman sells Polish flags with the eagle crest insignia. INT, MCU, worker stoking furnaces at refinery in Zakopane, Poland. In the 1930s, he conducted extensive lecture tours, during which he showed film footage he shot in the former USSR. Young man in knickers and a cap looks at the camera before boarding, another young boy comes up behind him to board. Crowds looking at exhibitions, including "Das Weisse Gold," "Glaswolle," yarn/textiles, boots, "Continental" tires, "Sicherheits-Glas." A sequence shot in the Warsaw nightclub "Adria". Inside, Margot Segall, the girl in a plaid dress, approaches the blackboard and conjugates the Hebrew verb "to ask". VS, inside near the furnaces, men coming out for a break and getting water, women sorting the ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, men drilling inside the mine. In Adolf Hitler Platz in Nuremberg, Germans salute/heil en masse for the Party Congress, soldiers marching in BG are barely seen, VAR shots of spectators heiling. CU, blond boy. The doorway is marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church]. MLS three young children in the street, walking toward the camera, they smile, continue walking until they are out of frame, then the camera captures them from behind, continuing their walk through the barren streets of the destroyed city of Warsaw. Outdoor caf - Kranzler. Bookshelves full of books. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. Crowded train platform, several bourgeois looking families are boarding the trains, some soldiers are also on the platform, some help the women and children board. **, VS, scene opens with a poster hanging on the outside wall of a new brick schoolhouse announcing the rededication of the school building. More grooming/setting hair. Play sequence continues until 01:12:47:00 where the subject shifts to scenes of the rural countryside, the camera pans landscape: establishing shots, subject returns to children on the river playing and pretending to be sword fighters. 01:16:15:29 MLS, more scenes of destruction. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) as USNS General M. B. Stewart (T-AP-140). He demonstrates again, this time we see only the shadow of his demonstration and not the machine or the man. All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means HAS, two men walk on the red carpet in the courtyard. Map of the United States surrounding a map of Austria. Planes flying overhead. These are many groups of extended families. Storefront. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, "USS General M.B. Man taking measurements with a compass from a book when a woman (his wife?) Coal. Pictures by Julius Jonak Books in shop window. Emigration and Immigration Background and Records by State, United States Immigration Online Genealogy Records, U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Persons of Quality Original Lists (immigrants 1600-1700), New England, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins, 1620-1635, United States Index to Passenger Arrivals, Atlantic and Gulf Ports, 1820-1874, United States, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Coast Ports Passenger Lists, 1820-1874, U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists, 1820-1873 and 1893-1959, U.S., Select Crew Lists and Manifests, 1890-1963, New England, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1911-1954, United States, New England Seamen's Identification Cards, 1918-1940, United States, Transatlantic Migration Indexes, The Great Migration Study Project, 1620-1640, Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Baltimore, 1820-1834, Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948, Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index, 1820-1897, Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Steamship Arrivals, 1890-1930, Baltimore, Maryland Passenger Lists, 1891-1943, Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists Index, 1897-1952, Maryland, Baltimore, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels and Airplanes, 1954-1957, Massachusetts, Boston, Crew Lists, 1811-1921, Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1891, Boston, Massachusetts, Passenger Lists, 1820-1891, Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943, Boston Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963, Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1891-1943, Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1848-1891, Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists Index, 1899-1940, Book Indexes to Boston Passenger Lists, 1899-1940, Massachusetts, Boston Crew Lists, 1917-1943, Massachusetts, Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, 1921-1949, Hawaii, Honolulu Index to Passengers, Not Including Filipinos, 1900-1952, Hawaii, Honolulu Passenger Lists, 1900-1953, Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959, Hawaii, Passenger Lists of Airplanes departing Honolulu, 1942-1948, California, Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Wilmington Passenger Lists, 1900-1948, California, Los Angeles Passenger Lists, 1907-1948, Louisiana, New Orleans, Slave Manifests of Coastwise Vessels, 1807-1860, New Orleans, Louisiana, Slave Manifests, 1807-1860, Louisiana, New Orleans Passenger Lists, 1820-1945, United States, Louisiana, Passenger Departures from New Orleans, 1867-1871, Louisiana, New Orleans Passenger Lists, 1903-1945, Ships Passenger Lists to New Netherland, New York 1624 to 1664, New York, Genealogical Records, 1675-1920, New York, New York, Index to Passenger Lists, 1820-1846, New York, Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1820-1850, Passengers arriving in New York from Ireland 1846 - 1851, New York, New York, Soundex to Passenger and Crew Lists, 1887-1921, New York, Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924, New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902, New York, Northern Arrival Manifests, 1902-1956, New York Book Indexes to Passenger Lists 1906-1942, New York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909, 1925-1957, New York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1973, New York, New York, Index to Alien Crewmen Who Were Discharged or Who Deserted, 1917-1957, Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1819, Philadelphia, Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1800-1850, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800-1882, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists Index, 1800-1906, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800-1948, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1883-1945, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger List Index Cards, 1883-1948, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Immigration Records, Special Boards of Inquiry, 1893-1909, California, San Diego Passenger Lists, 1904-1952. MSs, Julien Bryan talks to Ryszard Pajewski (now a truck driver) who he filmed in 1939 (boy sitting in rubble, Photo Archives W/S 31324). Procession with dignitaries and military officers. These are the shots that he took while standing on the roof of the American Embassy in Warsaw, Poland in September of 1939 as the Germans began their air attack of the city. City street scenes, busy intersection, buses, man on bicycle passes by (multiple takes), traffic. Woman leans out a window, speaking. Damaged buildings. During the rest of 1950 she made two voyages to the Far East, carrying U.S. troops to Japan and Korea. 01:04:07 Multiple takes, at end of shift, worker takes his bicycle and rides it around the EXT of the factory building past other employees. More goose-stepping. Loading barges. Shots of the machinery and process and workers. More city scenes of Prague, streets, buildings. More shots of the soldier standing by a portion of the wing of the plane. Massive crowds of bystanders. A young girl in traditional central Polish dress walks by on cue, and the bear jumps out of the bushes, feigning to attack the young girl. Soldiers march over a bridge. HJ, motorcycle. Staged scenes of a village family in Zakopane, Poland. Shop windows, no sign is visible in its entirety. Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. (06:44) Street in Prague with trolley going by. [VQ- still frames in places where there are technical problems from Bryan's camera and poor processing.] Women setting up drinks and sweets for the boys. EXT building with several narrow smokestacks. INTs, apartment, Janina brushes her hair and puts on makeup at a vanity, books arranged for camera, bookshelf, radio. Bremerhaven, Germany at the port of embarkation. MCU of a woman purchasing something at the kiosk. These shots are alternately over and under cranked, making the actions of the dancers exaggeratedly slow or fast. 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